Saturday 31 July 2021

A World Aflame Jarama game

I recently played a solo version of the Jarama scenario for A World Aflame. It was fun, but I wasn't entirely happy. The game felt a bit linear without the use of individually based figures. Sometimes I felt as if the two sides were shooting back and forth until one took too much damage. I think this was partly because of how I deployed the Nationalists. 

There isn't really anything wrong with these rules; they just didn't work quite how I expected. I'll be trying them again in future, maybe with a few more changes. There's a lot to like about them.
I will, however, try out some other rulesets. I had planned to do this anyway, and used a fairly generic basing scheme on the figures. Crossfire has long tempted me, and I think it will be the next game I try. It will give me a chance to make plenty more terrain too! Steven Thomas of the Balagan has created a Crossfire variant for early 20th Century Spain.

Here are the photos of the game! 
       A Heinkel swoops in to engage some International Brigadistas 
The Republican air force wreaks havoc among the Legion
Moroccans and Legion advancing under fire


  1. Nice to see the collection on the tabletop

    1. Thank you 😊 I really like the latest units on your blog, especially the the Columna Durruti!

  2. Just came across your blog via Peter Pig's 'The Mill' magazine featuring your IB troops - very nice indeed! I am just starting with the SCW so this series of blog posts is a gold mine. I am using 'For Whom The Dice Roll' for rules - the author uses PP figures and bases them in a very similar manner to you. The level is higher - so you squad/platoon becomes a company. I'd recommend the rules as worthy of a look.

    1. Thank you. I'm very glad my blog is helpful. I wasn't aware my models were in the Mill, but it's an honour!

      I have been thinking of trying FWTDR, it looks interesting.

      I'd love to see your SCW progress - I'll follow your blog with interest 😊
