Sunday, 9 May 2021

Big Spanish Civil War Project Part 4: Nationalist Infantry

 Just finished most of a Nationalist Infantry Company. They haven't got a command stand or individually based officers yet.

I've had a few problems with this part of the project. I had intended to paint a company of Foreign Legion for the "A World Aflame" Jarama scenario, but bought the wrong models. I suppose these will give me more flexibility in the games I play in future - I'm not going to stop as soon as I've done the Jarama game.

The uniforms took me three tries to get the right shade. Frustrating, but I'm happy with them now. 

Another use for these guys could be as the Irish Brigade , made up of volunteers from the Blueshirts (arguably a Fascist, or Fascist - influenced organisation). They're often said to be the only army in history that "returned with more soldiers than when they left". Their discipline was very poor, and the Nationalists sent them home during the Battle of Jarama without actually seeing combat. It would make an interesting "what if" game to have them face the Irish International Brigade volunteers, much as they had done in the Dublin street fights some years prior. 

Some secondary sources show them as wearing the same olive green coats as other Nationalist Infantry. Some photos from the time show them wearing darker uniforms, though. I'm going to make an extra command stand for this company to allow me to "morph" them.

Group photo of the rifles.

Each group of 3 bases can be a squad or platoon depending on the ruleset. 

I've tried to go with more of a scenic look for these bases, hence the sandbags. I made them using TheTerrainTutor's sandbag maker.

Two LMG teams and some individuals. 

The lad carrying the boxes is going to be a "Runner" in A World Aflame. He'll bring orders from HQ to individual units. The officer on the right will likely be a PO in Crossfire.